Hi guys just wanted to know if Lemmy has any karma count for people in their profile like Reddit has? If so is it public and How can I access it? Edit: Thanks guys I’m so relieved that this kind of stuff is not prevalent here. I love the Fediverse ❤️
I know some clients show that, but the culture here is generally quite against the concept. Tends to lead to people being scared of going against the majority and creates a hive mind mentality to keep karma high.
Hive mind mentality sums up Reddit culture pretty accurately. so happy to be here
Unfortunately you’re not out of the weeds yet. Lemmy has plenty of hive mind mentality
Atleast it’s not rewarding (hypothetically) like Reddit
I mean, it’s the same, except you don’t get a total number across all your posts.
The hive mind is here as well.
It changes from server to server and community to community. It’s important to keep in mind that a world news community is not only a world news community; it’s a world news community hosted at a specific instance. Some of them will be run better than others, and if one gets the feeling one community attracts the wrong audience one might be better off avoiding it and checking if someone has already started an alternative community somewhere else.
That, and blocking people who make no valuable contribution.
Don’t get me started on Karma farming bots. A Karma system does more harm than good.
“☝️🤓 you do not have enough karma to post in this community!” Well what the fuck community am I supposed to post in when all the ones I want to post in won’t let me!?
Reminds me of this.
karma makes reddit worse. Up/downvotes are great but overall account karma is fucking terrible.
As a recovering karma whore, I can attest to this.
I was super active in drama subs because I am a drama whore at heart. I knew how to just farm karma on them. Lukewarm take with just enough ability to be disageed with that the “bad” people will interact driving up the interactions.
All you gotta do is post stuff like “thank you to the brave firefighters” on posts involving firefighters. Not knocking on firefighters or trying to diminish their contributions, but it was always hilarious seeing how many top comments basically said nothing more than that. I was always doing it as satire but I don’t think people realized.
It encourages shitposting, high karma almost always was related to memes, not being helpful
In short… no, Lemmy developers believe the karma mechanics on reddit incentivize bad behavior. (IE making bots or even just yourself re-creating past succesful posts) or just posting the obvious ideas that one assumes everyone is going to upvote etc…
If you need fake Internet points to motivate you to be a good person then you are probably not a good person.
I’m not saying you specifically OP, but just in general. If karma was the only reason someone was civil on reddit that gives off the same vibes as the people who ask why we aren’t out raping and murdering if we don’t believe in God.
100% agreed. I mostly hate karma because it makes a hive mind mentality since everyone is scared to speak against the norm