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Nah 350€ is really good value for that hardware, but only tinkerers would buy it because mainboards in the steamdeck almost never break i would assume. I think the issue is more that valve wouldnt get any ROI from selling a mainboard without steamOS on it because it might not be used for gaming.
From the beginning i just wanted valve to sell a standalone mainboard for exactly this purpose.
Yes this is a common issue on FP4 sadly. Lots of huge forum threads about it and basically no response from the company after years of asking. Installing a new screen seems to sometimes fix it but not always. (Someone suggested a sort of “pair” behaviour, where some screens work fine with one device but not the other) I had it on my phone too, but it kind of just went away almost completely. Anecdotally i feel like there might be a correlation between low battery and frequency of ghost inputs. Have you tried resocketting the display cable yet? That seems to have helped many people and is fairly easy to do and free.
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