Wanted to share this around see if I’m the only person with the issue. I make a query to my wyoming satelite instance “what is the temperature outside” and it says it cannot find any device labelled temperature in the outside area. I do the same query on my watch using the assist and no issues. I understood that they were in the same eco system. Have I missed something?
You need to make sure that each entity you are addressing is exposed to each voice assist entity for actions. Right now your watch probably has access to everything, and your other assist devices do not.
In this case go to that zone, and make sure it’s exposed to your other voice assist devices and not just watch.
The entity is exposed to the satellite and watch on the same asssist instance. Did a reboot just to see if it helped, but unfortunately, not. It’s like it’s on two different pipelines when they are just sharing the one.
Update: I put the satelite on a second pipeline and that solved the issue.
You can also debug this via the event system as well to find where the disconnect is. You shouldn’t need two assist pipelines, you just have a config issue somewhere in the line between the voice assist and entity you want to control. Do whatever works I guess if you’re comfortable with that though.
Thanks, that’s what I ended up doing. I was looking in the wrong spot for the debug log when I wrote this post originally. Appears the satellite isn’t hearing the entire scentence. Bit frustrating but will keep at it.
What exactly is the satellite device? Try switching the “Finished Speaking Detection” to relaxed.
Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll give it a go.