Any conclusions drawn from a child’s personality can’t necessarily then be applied to a parent. Hannah Montana Linux was ultimately a Debian, but it was so far from stock Debian that the comparison makes no sense. The same, I assume, applies with the Arch-derivative that runs on Steam decks. We’re not in Arch-kansas any more, Toto.
The closest to “Windows with nerdnip” is probably Linux Mint, but even then that’s a fairly unkind comparison.
and you have to choose to boot into desktop mode to even mess with anything.
You say that like it’s a bad thing, but I think having the two separate modes is a fantastic setup. You get basically a console experience, smooth and straightforward and easy to use for just playing games, and you still have access to the underlying system anytime you want.
Soon: “I don’t know why X is happening on my system”
I used Ubuntu for like a month then switched to arch 8 years ago never looked back… what’s your point
cry more
So Arch is basically Windows but with nerdnip.
Any conclusions drawn from a child’s personality can’t necessarily then be applied to a parent. Hannah Montana Linux was ultimately a Debian, but it was so far from stock Debian that the comparison makes no sense. The same, I assume, applies with the Arch-derivative that runs on Steam decks. We’re not in Arch-kansas any more, Toto.
The closest to “Windows with nerdnip” is probably Linux Mint, but even then that’s a fairly unkind comparison.
I use LMDE, btw.
If the steam deck keep growing in popularity, Arch is going to be the first linux for a lot of people.
Just because SteamOS is based on Arch now doesn’t mean that using SteamOS teaches you anything about using Linux or Arch specifically.
The SteamDeck literally obfuscates most of it and you have to choose to boot into desktop mode to even mess with anything.
You say that like it’s a bad thing, but I think having the two separate modes is a fantastic setup. You get basically a console experience, smooth and straightforward and easy to use for just playing games, and you still have access to the underlying system anytime you want.