In Bookwyrm there are way too many duplicate authors and books, and a way to merge them is unclear.
Open Library seems to offer a more unified and consistent database.
In Bookwyrm there are way too many duplicate authors and books, and a way to merge them is unclear.
Open Library seems to offer a more unified and consistent database.
Considering who is behind it, I just use Open Library. In particular because like you say, their actual data is much more useful.
Who is behind bookwyrm and why is that a reason to not use it?
Other way around. Open Library is part of the internet archive. Given it’s also vastly superior in quality and has tools to maintain and administrate the data, I very much prefer it over alternative offerings. If Bookwyrm at least had a curation/maintainence team or support group or something, and not everyone could just nilly-willy add duplicates of existing entries, then I could see more use for it.
But like others have said, it’s also a bit of a different use case. If you want to pull data, definitely do it from OL. They’re the same source Bookwyrm uses for its main data import, after all.