Well, managed by the great FreshRSS and read via the beautiful Read You android app (french here, so some sites won’t ring a bell to most):
- geek : a few on warhammer 40k and miniature painting, some tech related (like official android website, journaldugeek, korben, clubic, le café du geek, MariusHosting, selfh.st, and some others)
- webcomics : badspace, getcomics, questionablecontent (well, used to, it doesn’t work anymore), work chronicles, and of course xkcd
- pro : stuff related to laws and compliance, but also stuff related to automation in MS3652 environment ('cause I’m lazy AF, and if I can automatize it, let’s do it !)
- hobbies : warhammer (again) and analog photography related stuff, but very few, I should expand that list.
I have to say I only put the url in freshrss, and magic happened. Fresh found https://www.badspacecomics.com/blog-feed.xml