That girl who plays Steam Deck a lot
Then it looks like you’ll be the perfect one to try this new unlocked FPS build of Abuse! You can give a true ‘impression’ on how you found it :)
And thank you for saying so!
Exactly what I’m trying to do!
Thanks, glad it fits in well enough here <3
Honestly, I have no idea! I was on Lemmy years ago, but only just returned a few days ago, so I’m still re-learning the ropes :)
And thank you for saying so! I have a blast writing these. I plan to do it weekly, so I guess subscribe to this community, and you should see it (hopefully) in just under a week’s time!
You could just follow me on Mastodon too, if that’s easier. I’m sure I’ll direct people over to it when the time comes to post another:
The user discovered a bug, where anyone could apply games to their account, without buying or paying. He ended up notifying Steam (after he applied games to his account).
To them, like all bug hunt payments, the cost of what they gave him in the end ($4K) was nothing compared to the damage of that being shared - they get everlasting good press over it; good will, and they close the bug. So the $4,000 is alongside keeping the games he’d applied to his account.
Sorry, I could have worded that better! It’s on me for poor phrasing. English is not my native language, sometimes I can explain poorly.