I point out to you how you’re mistaken, and you just go, “nuh uh.”
I point out to you how you’re mistaken, and you just go, “nuh uh.”
Right, and the initial sentence
To all of the authors below who have disparaging opinions on the UX/UI experience and or the download ability.
modifies the rest of the text
It’s a volunteer project for a reason. If you have such grand ideas and abilities put your money where your fingers are and fucking sign up.
Point being, feedback is welcome, disparaging opinions are not.
Nobody declared that “only legitimate feedback comes from people who are also capable of doing the work.”
Reading comprehension, my friend.
No one said that though.
Normalized graph for you:
Not a vertical line, at all. For sure cool, but very exaggerated with a dishonest graph.
I get it. You made a mistake, are embarrassed, and are now pointing things back on the messenger instead of just saying, “Oh shit, my bad,” and moving on with your life.
Have a nice day, man. Riveting conversation.