Its also a typo for wood that makes squeaking sounds.
(A typo is a terrible thing to waste. 😜 )
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Its also a typo for wood that makes squeaking sounds.
(A typo is a terrible thing to waste. 😜 )
Do you have access to the floorboards from below (cellar access)?
Is this a bot or joke (or ‘yes’) response?
Hello, i have been working on an indie game similar to kenshi but in warhammer 40k universe. obviously i dont have any license or agreement. will i get in some trouble if i make it look like but different with slightly different names of places or races ?
Well the first step wouldn’t be to declare what you’re doing and ask about it on the public forum, as that can be used against you later in a court of law, if someone comes after you for infringement.
As others have mentioned, that’s a question for a lawyer.
IANAL, but if I remember correctly from reading stuff in the past, your thing has to be different enough that it doesn’t cause confusion by a purchaser when they’re trying to decide to purchase your product versus the other product.
In other words, you’d have to make enough changes that it’s easily seen as something different, not the same thing.
But again, the fact that you’ve already stated your intention here means you kind of already “sunk your ship”. But also again, IANAL, so make sure you actually speak to a lawyer.
In a ‘Dad’ joke sort of way, sure, I’d agree with that.
This comment is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0