This looks like it can can actually fuck up some models, but the unnecessary CPU load it will generate means most websites won’t use it unfortunately
That sounds good maybe in a couple of years I’ll when I get a new laptop I’ll put Linux on my old one to turn it into a home server and backup computer
Sounds good, if my old laptop that my parents use gets to dated for windows I’ll put Linux on it
The average Joe - “what’s a Bootable flash drive?”
Yeah when are comfortable typing commands it’s obviously much easier to just pull up the terminal and do that and since dependencies are shared between applications in Linux it prevents your drive from becoming bloated and it’s so much easier to update everything using a few commands, but most people are not comfortable typing even basic words let alone commands, every time I’ve seen my manager who apparently used to be a programmer once, struggle to type a sentence making spelling mistakes in ever word, I’m glad he doesn’t code anymore, cause most of the time when he runs a command he makes some mistake and screws things up and then I have to fix it.
So long as you need a terminal to do anything on a Linux machine it’s not gonna get any mainstream appeal, most people can barely install a app on windows where they just have to click next a few times. Also if the laptop you buy comes pre-installed with windows what would motivate a regular joe to go out of his way to install Linux on it and risk messing things up by making a mistake. Also people don’t want to replace their windows only software and gaming is another reason to stick to windows for now. I’d rather use Linux, but I’ll wait till Steam has made most games compatible with Linux, and Nvidia and Amd give proper driver support for linux
Make 1 to 1 copies of existing subreddits and maybe some kind of automation tool to take the subreddits someone is currently part of and subscribe the Lemmy versions of them automatically. That plus for now some people could repost content from these subreddits to Lemmy, so the feed isn’t so empty and also I don’t know how Google crawlers work exactly but searching for Reddit posts through Google is a big benefit of Reddit for me, if Lemmy could also show up in Google results or if Lemmy builds it’s own internal search to a level that’s equal to or better than Google that would also help