I wrecked the ceiling/ wall bringing down a sofa. I’m a new home owner so not sure how to fix this. I have the paint since we repainted everything.
Not sure if I should use the pink stuff or something else. Any suggestions?
EDIT - Thanks all for the advice and suggestions. I was able to rebuild the corner using spackle and have sanded it. I put on the first coat of paint and am quite confident this will look as if there were no damage at all.
Great tips just want to add a few. Yes use drywall mud, slop it on, not too thick. It will contract. Didn’t try to get it perfect with the spackle knife. Use coarse and fine drywall sandpaper or a sponge. The sponge will help get the corner crisp, if you use paper, wrap it around a square block. Use very light pressure. Give it a day or 2 to dry before sanding. Use a quality printer before painting.
Some people will say you should make sure all the loose bits are chipped away, in my experience you may end up taking much more down than you want. Try and get anything raised chipped away and some peel stop primer will help to hold it down and prevent future chipping.