It’s on everything, my fingernails are glued to my skin underneath, I hate everything and most of all I hate spray foam.
Thanks for letting me rant. I normally read instructions before using a product and now I’m avoiding the room where it’s on everything… How fucked am I?
Update: We’ve cleaned most of it up from the room… Our hands, not so much lol. I appreciate the advice and support, hopefully y’all got a good laugh on our behalf :)
Ps. It works great as a diy wax for hairy arms!
Ha ha ha… I knew before I clicked it what you were going to say.
That shit is like… nasty af. Also, another good reason to bite the bullet and do what the quality tradespeople do:
Buy a box of nitrile gloves and store them whereever you keep your solvents/ sprays/ paints/ anything…