This from the OS that made me have to do a search for “how to kill children”.
alias yabbadabbasudo=sudo
It’s impractical and I often forget that I have it. But the times I remember I laugh a bit
alias alias='alias'
please apt install clang
User isn't in polite boy list. This incident will be reported.
please killall
I see…
Or do the opposite for…relief
Fucking mv doc doc1
Fucking shutdown
Fuck will always be my alias to run sudo with the last command
There’s a project that automatically corrects common errors with your last command as well with the same name.
It sounds fun and “magic” but it is hella scary to blindly run some “fixed” command
please remove the French language pack
please rm -fr /*
Some people just wanna see the world burn
For people that don’t get the joke: this messes up your system
If you’re out of the loop: this is part of the joke tricking people into dedicating precious hard drive space to an unnecessary language pack.
I aint typing out ‘please’, I will compromise on
alias plz='sudo'
please !!
‘Aurenkin’ is not in the pleasers file. This incident will be reported.
I might actually do this, it seems nice.
suddenly makes the xkcd much more wholesome too