Hungarian language for example is completly genderless. 2 pronouns are used: ő (person, more intelligent animals), ez/az (depending on the first letter) (objects, less intelligent animals)
Hungarian language for example is completly genderless. 2 pronouns are used: ő (person, more intelligent animals), ez/az (depending on the first letter) (objects, less intelligent animals)
Reddit has much bigger problems, like unfair moderation, and a lot of creepy people
Foss certainly aligns better with left-wing philosophies, i don’t think far-right need to be widely accepted in these communities
I dont really want to ruin your mood but when hundreds of people are working on a project, there will be always individuals that are not so nice and go personal on others
+it is basically unusable yet
It has much less features than Gecko or Blink
Wdym chromium is open-source
Both Blink and Gecko are equally good. Others suck
Not always. In fact, 90% of it is mostly nice