I spent some time learning and configuring my firewall, then displayed it in form of SVG graph on Glance. I’m pretty happy about the result so I wanted to share it :)
I spent some time learning and configuring my firewall, then displayed it in form of SVG graph on Glance. I’m pretty happy about the result so I wanted to share it :)
Glance is cool I love the style and it is well implemented so you can easily add custom HTML and CSS which is what I did to do this custom monitoring. Data are gathered from iptables counters that periodically reset, the hardest and most interesting part was to understand networking and to track packet through applications based on if they were port binded or reverse proxyed (I use Caddy for web facing app I want access to without a VPN). I’ll definitively check more advanced solution, I just needed to do it manually first to actually understand what I’m doing (which took me like 2 weeks until I finally found this gem on ArchLinux wiki https://www.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial/iptables-tutorial.html)
Do you have persistent IPtables then?Yes, reading comprehension on my part. Doh!
Yes the full recipe is: