I have a Logitech mouse, got it before a while ago before I dedicated everything to Linux, and fuckin Logitech software is required for me to set a button on the mouse for a macro for auto clicking.
Does anybody know how to make 2 of my mouse buttons auto click, one right mouse and the other left click. I have prob with my hands so games that require needing to click fast is hard on me. I have tried Piper but it didn’t seem like a way to do that.
Does anybody know how to setup my Logitech mouse to auto click for desktop mode, I know a little about Linux and command line but honestly I’m really ad at it.
You don’t need a maco and a mouse to auto click the following will let you click 200 times where ever your mouse is at time the command is run and you can set the delay and number of clicks to anything you want
xdotool click --delay 5000 --repeat 200 1
Is there a way to bind it to a mouse key? And have it set-up to auto repeat tell I stop holding down the button?
Ah I just thought you needed it for an idle game you want more of a turbo button. If it’s a Logitech mouse does solaar or piper not work for you? I have macros setup in my G502.
I have a g502 hero, Piper won’t install because ratbagd can’t get installed via flat pack, solar works, but no clue how to use it for what I need. mind telling me how you did it?
Note, that this will only work in the desktop mode, since the gaming mode uses wayland.
Correct but since he is using a mouse I figured he was using as a desktop
Check the discover store on the deck, there’s a program called “clicker” and another called “xclicker”, either one sounds like it should do what you’re wanting.
I use Solaar on my desktop to remap gestures for a Logitech mouse, I would imagine it should work on a Deck too
Oooh, ill have to check that out for my g600
Wrong community. You should try one of the Linux ones.
This IS a Linux community.
I know, but I was trying to help OP out by suggesting they try a general Linux community rather than a deck specific community. For their Linux, not deck specific, question they would be better served by the broader audience of the other communities.
He did mention it was for desktop mode, which would mean he’s specifically trying to do this on the Steam Deck.